6 febr.1971, Cluj-Napoca

Studies :
1990-1991-Follows The Polytechnic School in Cluj-Napoca
1997- graduates the National Academy of Art in Bucharest with maestro Vasile Grigore
First Certificate in Painting and the History and Theory of Art

Exhibitions :
1992-1993 – participates in the StudFest Exhibitions in Timisoara;
1994 -Painting and Drawing Exhibition at the National Museum in Zalau;
1995 – participates in the group exhibition organized by the National Academy of Art in the Galleries of National Theatre in Bucharest;
1997-1998 – participates in the International Art Camp-Ipp;
2000 – Exhibition of 20 pantings at the “Phoenix” bookshop in Cluj-Napoca;
2005 – Painting and Drawing Exhibition at the Art Museum in Cluj-Napoca;
2006 – Painting and Drawing Exhibition at the “Frezia” Art Gallery in Dej;
– Painting and Drawing Exhibition at the National Military Circle, Gallery of Art, in Bucharest;
– Painting and Drawing Exhibition at the Radio Hall in Sighetul-Marmatiei;
2007 – Watercolour and Drawing Exhibition at the Meeting Hall of the Surgery Clinic III, in Cluj-Napoca;
– “Venetian Views” – a watercolour exhibition at the Italian Cultural Center, in Cluj-Napoca;
– participates in the “Balcic, The Black Sea Art School” group exhibition, part of the UNESCO Elite – Art Foundation’ s Project : “Painters of today at Balcic”, at the National Military Circle, in Bucharest;
2008 – “Notes of a Journey” an exhibition of paintings, watercolours and drawings, held at the “Old Gallery” and at “La Galerie”, in Cluj-Napoca